
Soul Doubt

Starting this Wednesday (4.11.7), I will be the Willamette Week's new Night Cabbie. This is the writing job that I'd mentioned before. They'll be publishing one 250-word column a week. That's why I haven't written anything here in four months: so that I can write far shorter pieces with far less frequency, all while getting paid (a very little) and read by (a lot) more people .

I am, in short, a sellout.

If for some reason you enjoyed my writing about my job (and if you're still checking back here at this point, chances are that you probably did), you'll be able to get your fix here starting on Wednesday (the ones with the picture of a woman's eyes in a rearview mirror are obviously not mine). I should warn you, however, that four of the first six are just re-worked posts from this site.

Anyway, now you'll be able to tell all of your friends that you were down with the Night Cabbie before he even was the Night Cabbie. If you're not from Portland, this won't get you much in the way of cred, but at least you can take solace in the knowledge that it won't get you much cred in Portland, either.

Another indication of my selling out is that I now have a MySpace page, which people who know me will attest to being a likely sign of the apocalypse. I'm told that it's the way to pimp oneself out on the cheap, and I'm certainly cheap. You're more than welcome to be my internet friend there, as you already are here.

I don't plan on advertising this site on either the MySpace or in the paper. I like it as my private little corner of the internet, and am hoping that it will stay that way. This is my anonymous anonymous website, whereas I guess the other two are my common-knowledge anonymous websites.


Blogger Paradise Driver said...


I have been reading Vera for a long time and was sad to hear she was leaving. Now that I know who the new star of the show is going to be, I am elated.

Would you please try and get WW to provide an RSS feed from "Night Cabbie".

BTW - Any idea of whatever happened to "Thru A Windshield, Darkly"? I know his page was "high-jacked" and then he moved to Wordpress and now the link has been dead for so long that I finally removed it from my blog.


April 09, 2007 5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh. my. god.

but in a good way.

April 09, 2007 9:05 AM  

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